Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission is closed. Many thanks for your interest.

A summary of the guidelines is as follows:

  • The abstract language is English.
  • The text should be not more than 300 words.
  • Diagrams, tables and pictures should not appear in abstracts, only text.
  • The abstract must consist of four paragraphs labelled: Objectives, Material and methods, Results, Conclusion
  • Submission categories:
    • Hip
      • New technologies
      • Alignment
      • Partial
      • Revision
      • Fixation
      • Basic sciences
    • Knee
      • New technologies
      • Alignment
      • Partial
      • Revision
      • Fixation
      • Basic sciences
  • Presentation types:
    • Oral
    • Poster
  • Since the abstracts will be judged anonymously, the text should not reveal the institutional affiliation or any of the researchers.
  • Do not write all the text in CAPITAL LETTERS.
  • The text and the title should be free from abbreviations, except those commonly used. It should concisely address the problem and the purpose of the study.

The following structure is mandatory:

Title: minimum 3 words / maximum 20 words
Authors: With all the names, email and institution and a maximum 5 co-authors
Abstract: maximum 300 words in total. All sections are mandatory.