Welcome Letter

Dear Colleagues, Friends, and Members of the SECEC family,

In September 2018, Geneva will be holding the 28th Congress of the European Society for Surgery of the Shoulder and the Elbow (SECEC-ESSSE).

On behalf of the Swiss Orthopaedics And Elbow Surgery Expert’s Group, we are very excited to welcome back the congress in Switzerland for the first time since 1988 when Norbert Gschwend, one of the founding fathers of SECEC, together with Christian Gerber, hosted the congress in Bern. Switzerland has been historically influential in orthopedic progress and nowadays is one of the top two best countries in the world for medical care. Geneva is Europe’s leading city break destination, very well connected: It is the smallest international city of the world and counts as one of the safest town in the heart of the EU.

Geneva, home of Calvinism, is a unique environment, a place of history and heritage. It offers a lot to discover with its old city, its fine gastronomy, and its scenic lake landscape. The cosmopolitan city has a way to combine the very modern with century old traditions as it is not only a melting pot for international NGOs but also a hub for scientific research led at CERN, watchmaking know-how, high-quality prized wines and of course finance.

Geneva’s unique identity fits perfectly within the original mission of SECEC: high scientific standard, cooperation within the orthopedic community, continuous training and innovations. The congress will take place in the iconic and luxurious CICG conveniently located just off the Place des Nations (UN) and within easy reach of the city center.

I am looking forward to welcoming you and sharing experience and expertise during the congress as well as traditional Swiss customs and hospitality at a variety of very special social events.

Welcome to Geneva!

Alexandre Lädermann
Congress President


Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are delighted to bring our 28th Congress to the historic city of Geneva.

Geneva is the home of the World Health Organization, and is therefore an ideal setting for our Society to consider and debate the important issues of delivering healthcare for musculoskeletal disease and for the conditions affecting the shoulder and elbow in particular.

SECEC, in keeping with the World Health Organization, aims to provide affordable treatment and safe surgery for the injuries and disabilities we encounter. The advances in technology inevitably have an economic cost to our society and global healthcare. We also share the ambitions of promoting evidence based policies and education to improve surgical standards and outcomes for our patients.

We are confident that Alex Laedermann and his colleagues will organize an excellent meeting that will define our current and future practice.

Please contribute and participate in this debate by joining us in this great city.

Roger Emery
President SECEC